Sunday, August 24, 2008

my latest artworks <3

3rd and forth pic is TOP from BB =) from the im sorry MV.
i dont go to any art school. or take any art lessons. none of any of that. so, im not pro with it but im still learning and trying my best to be an awesome illustrater someday and able to do kick ass artwork! lol.. and perhaps travel. let my artwork speak for itself. hope to be someone well-known for my art. or someone who can change the world with it. giving positive messages to earthlinks.haha..


my inspiration.

click on the sketch or GD picture, u'll get a better view of it.
i told u tina, it looks
i tried. both sketches adjusted differently.
plz leave a comment anyone. irah, tina,amira? whoever. i just wana know wat u guys think.
im not satisfied with it =( i need to improve.



we want peace in planet earth..

camwhoring with my sis in the changing room! lol

rest in peace..

Bought a bunch of flowers for my new vase. thought i pay a visit to my dear cats grave-honey. its been a while since i last went there. it use to be one of the painful things to do. reminiscing the past. thinking of it,it still leaves a wound in me. but good thing is, its healing. its great that im moving on. i have to say, the worst ive cried during a funeral is my cats
the last pic is my mickey's three kittens grave. died even when they didnt even get a glimpse of the world yet. hmm..its ok. at least theyre in a better place now. cat heaven =)
love u with all my heart, m

Saturday, August 23, 2008

mum + daughters day out ^-^

was so exhausted!
currently relaxing.listening to kind of like mix tape but on mp3. hehe..its not mine. used to be namy's. he gave this mp3 to me cos hes not using it anymore. a bunch of old songs.
gosh..vertical horizon! aww..all of this makes me all mushy now. so nostalgic...
hmm..."so u stole my world. now im just a phony..." i love it so much! =P

anyways, back to whatever i was planning to do just now. pic-chas of me mum, sis. i x take pic of myself. lupa plak(forgot) hehe..too preoccupied =)

ate cupcakes after long hours of shopping in ikea. omg. damn tired! the cupcakes at cupcake chic were too sweeeettt... my sister had a sugar rush. look at her jumping up and down =P
sat beside the red fire engine truck. had to take a pic of it. it looks too darn cute ^-^ hehe..
i cant believe i have foot cramps after a few hours of walking in ikea. the place is sooo cold, i had to stop walking cos my foot hurts like hell. i felt like

Thursday, August 21, 2008

i cant get enough of them! wahh~

Gd so adorable! =D

yes, dream big. fly high,GD!lol

i wonder what taeyang is doing to GD. so cute when GD does that face. n what pose is that? frog pose?haha..


big bang-my girl parody by poopiness

im going crazy over poopiness's parodies. it so funny!
altho i love BB to death but i cant resist these parodies ^-^
no hard feelings ppl. this is just a quick entertainment.

btw, thanx poopiness. make more parodies..plz..^-^


hey, im back! teehee..

yesterday was just false alarm. but gotta be careful today.

i just wanna share you this clip. i wept like a baby watching it!
plz take a moment n watch it. its so meaningful.

its a really old clip. but do watch it till the end. im not gonna give any hints to what happen cos i want u guys to cry like a baby too! lol..
btw,the dudes look like hippies ^.^

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my last post for the week or maybe the month ='(

hallooo people!!
i tried to make a B as a tribute to big bang but it turned out as an 8 -_-" i tried..

i dont think i would be posting that much anymore. but i'll try. gtg study.
mum is breathing down my neck.i need some space. so, i'll be a good kid n do watever a good kid spose to do.which is...first, to shut the pc n be more productive at home. ekh..y???
anyways, here are the pics of me, tina, irah, n my lil sis *attempt* in baking choc chip cookies.

the magical ingridients
mix mix mix!*oops...*lol
indulging in the yummay dough.umm...
having fun in the kitchen!
enough of all the fooling around. time to bake!!
*ting* its done! woo~ makan time..hehe

my "i love you" n irah's 'smiley' face cookie



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

more 'kyowa'-ness(cute-ness)

tae yang being less 'ta-yang' (u knw what i mean tina?lol)
both ha-eum and tae yang look cute =)
tae yang looks like he likes kids, sweet..

in love with all of the cute gifs =P

isnt that cute ^-^

the real thing (it looks funny.haha)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday ji-yongie~ !

here are the cookies i baked for ji-yong's birthday.just for fun. since theres still some dough left. so, i did told ya bout the cookie looking its turned out tasty. just the lack of appearance. teehee..
oh, btw irah, i didnt get a chance to take a pic ofur umm..smiley?? cos i *accidentally* ate i totally forgot. sorry dude..i am truly sorry(snickers^.^) its ok, the next thing im gonna bake is cupcakes. i'll make sure it wont burn in flames.haha

Hope GD is having a party with big bang now. i wanna be there

Gd's "omona!"

where is everybody??

thats what you get bong for being so naughty! lol..

when he finally gets his license: driving like a maniac. woo~

finally, the hot bongie!

having fun with the birthday bong =)

this is such a funny icon. look at dae sung. i bet that hurts! xP
yea, i saved the best for the last.
