Saturday, July 25, 2009

-----this is suppose to be last thursday's post but i didnt have time to officially post it-----
Im in my room(dorm) now listening to 2ne1-I don’t care. my anatomy class just ended. Anatomy…-_-“ too much to memorize but its pretty interesting. My lecturer told me that we humans shouldn’t be too arrogant of ourselves cos if we tear the layers of our skin, we’ll see all the ugly formations of our muscles and organs cramped up under all those layers of so-called flawless skin.lols. then she started to show us the images of our whole body anatomy in her laptop. One by one, the skin and then muscles, tendons are revealed. Until the bones are left. If u look at the facial structures of the cardaver, *pukes* its so graphic! The muscle cheeks and eyeballs.Then the skull looked like its beaming its teeth at us.hahaha.. overall, anatomy is interesting but..u’ve to pay full attention. if ur mind start to wander, u’ll automatically fall asleep. And that’s NOT ACCEPTABLE in any class especially anatomy, kinesiology and physiotherapeutic skills. U’ll be black listed by the lecturers.

On Tuesday, health psychology class was postponed, we got some time to sleep. My first ever class that was postponed! It should be celebrated! lols. it was heaven~ but I was hoping there was class cos my seating plan was so strategic. It’s the ideal place to sit. *grumbles* -ive my reasons. ~.^

BEL was downright awful! I was pissed at the lecturer. She was being really unfair. Pilih kasih! I got so irritated with her behavior but I just decided to totally ignore how I felt. I just have to suck up and never let my feelings affect my studies. Nanti tak berkat lah pulak kalau marah2 ni. Kan? Hehe

Im gona try my best in my studies. Maintain professional. Learn to control my temper. And to always be patient. Since that’s what doctors are suppose to be great at other than being able dissect people without letting them die. Don’t ever let me cut open anyone or any animal. I would end up killing them/ it.haha..

So, its been 3 weeks since ive stayed here with other 7 human beings.=P its fun. But theres still lots to learn from this experience. Im sure god has lots of other plans and challenges to be thrown at me.yeah sure. Cant wait… but remember everyone, god(allah) would only give the challenges to us cos he knows that we could handle it. Allah would never want to make us suffer. his intention is to just make us learn from the mistakes we make and be tougher in future. It’s a Process of being an adult, I guess. Cant believe that im already in the starting point of that path. *deep breaths*

Yesterdays class was fun too. I had class with miss I. although shes strick but she can get pretty laid back at times. We had to form a group of 3 and create 7 types of exercise from fundamental and derived movements. this dude, K was fun to talk to. I practically did some ice breaking w the dudes in our group. They are so hyper! This A. guy, speaks such thick Kelantan slang, I don’t get most of the things that he said.lols. but the jokes they make are hilarious. ^^ talked bout this deadly insect that is famous in dorms. Its called charli/cali(?) im not sure how its spelled but that’s how u pronounce it. It secretes a type of liquid that can burn ur skin. That K. dude got it and I asked him bout it. He didn’t even get bitten. That thing just walked past him and now he has a huge scar from his hand to his elbow. Like a really long scar that I assumed that it was an accident wound. It practically itches like crazy. He got it last week. And now im close to freaking out cos my housemate saw it on her pillow the other day and im afraid that that thing would lay gazillions of eggs and attack all of us and we’ll all wake up with scars all over our body =S *gulp* I was dreaming bout it last nite. Lols

well, enough bout deadly insects. I wore my uitm batik today.lols

if u ask me why would I do such a thing. Well, the reason is pretty simple. My roommate & I are just too darn lazy to pick an outfit for today and if we did, we’ll end up staying up at night to wash our clothes. I don’t wana increase the amount of piles of clothes ive to wash. I wash by hand, ok. Its expensive and wasting my time to go wash it using the washing machine. Rm 2 for 7 kilos of clothes and it takes an hour for one wash. Uve to just sit there for an hour? Doing what?? Stare at the washing machine, looking at ur clothes spin simultaneously. Look at the person beside u and smile for the 10th time in less than 20 minutes. Stare at my watch. Thinking that I would’ve used this time to blablabla…Zzzzz…not my cup of tea.

Wow, I wrote a lot today. Hahaha. My housemates are starting wonder how the hell can I write a freakin essay for my blog for almost everyday. And in English? Lols. It takes practice. Once I write, sometimes ive to remind myself to stop. and I know no one reads this but its like a satisfaction to write u know. It’s a form of expression. I need to start drawing too. Now I only draw body anatomy… for the sake of study, I will draw all of it with passion.

Ok, I guess that’s is for today class. Im done lecturing.haha

Love & miss all of ya,


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